Helping you heal on all four levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual
Hello there! I’m so glad you’re here…

Holly Scalmanini, L.Ac.
Work with Holly

Healing on all four levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual
In most holistic healing traditions, healing begins when we address all four levels of our being: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. What I offer in my medical intuitive readings and Five Element Sessions is a way for you to address your body, its health, and disease on each of these four levels. When we do this, we create greater self-awareness which empowers us to make healthy choices in our lives.
What does it mean specifically to heal on each of these four levels?
The Five Elements of Chinese Medicine: Water | Fire | Wood | Metal | Earth
Learning about the The Five Elements of Chinese medicine is a journey inward. The Five Elements are a guidebook and map to the inner world of our thoughts and emotions. They show us how our habitual mental and emotional patterns are reflected in our physical body. They show us how we invest our Qi, our body’s precious energy resource, in our habitual thoughts and emotions. Learn more!

Curious what your Five Element constitutional type is?

Viewing Disease Symbolically
Headaches/migraines show us we are putting too much pressure on ourselves. Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) gives us the opportunity to examine our feelings of burden: feeling burdened by life and/or feeling like a burden to others. Hypothyroidism shows us that we are holding ourselves, others, and life to high standards. Neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) give us the opportunity to examine our feelings of powerlessness. Adrenal fatigue shows us we are burning through our vital Qi in order to make others happy.
View more diseases and their corresponding mental and emotional patterns.